The nomination cycle for those to be considered for the 2024 induction to the Roland Bedard Hall of Fame closes on January 1. Please submit any and all nominations through the form link below.
The Roland Bedard Hall of Fame was created to honor individuals who have contributed to SAY Soccer on a national scope to enhance recreational soccer.
The hall of fame was named in honor of Roland Bedard, whose association was in many capacities, including serving as a long term member of the national board, becoming an employee of SAY for many years, and acting as the association's first and only Commissioner. Roland was a true friend, loved the sport and SAY philosophy as much as anyone could.
Find out more about the Roland Bedard Hall of Fame induction process at the links below.
The SAY Soccer Tom Allen Stevens Award is for any long or short term meritorious service, any significant singular achievement and any singular and/or continuous contribution(s) given to a local SAYArea or District.
This Award provides a means by which a SAYArea or District can formally recognize the accomplishments of anyone who has provided a beneficial enhancement to the local SAY program.
SAY would like to congratulate this year's winners and thank them for their contributions.
Jonathan Jakeway
Five Points SAY
David Davis
Kickers SAY
Gary Walther
Kathy Stites
Middletown Youth Soccer
Barbara Gaynor
Hamilton SAY
Do you have an outstanding admin, coach, or referee that has greatly contributed to your local SAY program? Visit the SAY Award Criteria and Nomination Forms to submit your nomination.